That's why we have a computer! FOR INFORMATION! I need to know everything about everything! ~ Kira, age 8I informed Kira that we have a long weekend because Monday is Labor Day she of course asked, 'What's Labor Day?' Now I know we talked about this last year but to a 2nd grader it really wasn't that important. That's when her curiosity kicked it. "Well, what do we do on Labor Day?" Nothing. Absolutely positively nothing. "Nothing? We can't do anything? Nothing at all?" Ok, now I can't resist to continue. Nope, nothing. We can't play games. We can't watch TV. No video games either! We can't cook. We can't even eat! "We can't eat? You know what happens when I don't eat. I get sick!" Ok, so I gave in on eating but everything else is still a no. I am surprised she hasn't asked me about going to the bathroom!
At this point I am having a hard time keeping a straight face. That's when she turns to me and says, "Mom, I think you really need to look this up. Really. That's why we have a computer! FOR INFORMATION! I need to know everything about everything!" The funny thing is she believes me. I am not sure how long I can drag this out but I am finding this absolutely hilarious.
I have refused to look it up on the internet for her, but told her we would discuss it later. She said she couldn't wait until Saturday and Sunday when she could play and have fun, but Labor Day...not so much. She wants to be able to do something.