Quote of the Day

That's why we have a computer!  FOR INFORMATION!  I need to know everything about everything! ~ Kira, age 8
I informed Kira that we have a long weekend because Monday is Labor Day she of course asked, 'What's Labor Day?'  Now I know we talked about this last year but to a 2nd grader it really wasn't that important.  That's when her curiosity kicked it.  "Well, what do we do on Labor Day?"  Nothing.  Absolutely positively nothing.  "Nothing?  We can't do anything?  Nothing at all?"  Ok, now I can't resist to continue.  Nope, nothing.  We can't play games.  We can't watch TV.  No video games either!  We can't cook.  We can't even eat!  "We can't eat?  You know what happens when I don't eat.  I get sick!"  Ok, so I gave in on eating but everything else is still a no.  I am surprised she hasn't asked me about going to the bathroom!

At this point I am having a hard time keeping a straight face.  That's when she turns to me and says, "Mom, I think you really need to look this up.  Really.  That's why we have a computer!  FOR INFORMATION!  I need to know everything about everything!"  The funny thing is she believes me.  I am not sure how long I can drag this out but I am finding this absolutely hilarious.

I have refused to look it up on the internet for her, but told her we would discuss it later.  She said she couldn't wait until Saturday and Sunday when she could play and have fun, but Labor Day...not so much.  She wants to be able to do something.

Thinking Thursday

Life is like a game of cards.  The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will. - Jawaharal Nehru
Today has been a day of thinking...thinking usually gets me in trouble and I am pretty sure what I am thinking will.  What I am thinking is not important at this time, but just that I am.  This thinking process was started by a friend of mine in a what-if conversation.  Of course in what-ifs questions or conversations there are a number of possibilities that often flow into could haves, would haves, and should haves...

The quote that I chose for today is exactly how I feel.  I never really thought about it until I went on my morning walk.  Then of course this conversation and many others pop into my head.  I have been dealt this hand of cards, some good, some bad, some...well, I am not really sure what to do with them yet.  Some cards have already been played with varying results.  I will spare you the details because I am not sure the details myself.  All of these cards have some sort of result...it can be good or bad depending on when they are played.  Some cards I can't wait to play, others I am scared to play, and then there are the ones that I would like to put back and draw another one.

Kira and I were reading Shel Silverstein and funny thing is he has a poem called Whatif...enjoy.
Whatif by Shel Silverstein
Last night, while I lay thinking here,
and pranced and partied all night long
and sang their same old Whatif song:
Whatif I'm dumb in school?
Whatif they've closed the swimming pool?
Whatif I get beat up?
Whatif there's poison in my cup?
Whatif I start to cry?
Whatif I get sick and die?
Whatif I flunk that test?
Whatif green hair grows on my chest?
Whatif nobody likes me?
Whatif a lightning strikes me?
Whatif I don't grow tall?
Whatif my head starts getting smaller?
Whatif the fish won't bite?
Whatif the wind tears up my kite?
Whatif my parents get divorced?
Whatif the bus is late?
Whatif my teeth don't grow in straight?
Whatif I tear my pants?
Whatif I never learn to dance?Everything seems well, and thenthe nighttime Whatifs strike again!

Mission of the Month August 2011

So I have decided to jump back on the bandwagon so to speak and continue my missions with Mama Jenn in her Missions of the Month.  If you are just now following my blog let me catch you up to speed.  Mission of the Month was started by Mama Jenn in hopes that we can use our blogs to motivate ourselves.  We are to make a list of our goals (aka missions) we would like to accomplish for the month - just for one month.  At the end of the month we share with others in the group whether we succeded or were a complete failure.  It has been really great to read what others have posted and it has also given me ideas as to what I could/should accomplish in the future.  With that being said, it is hard to believe that the last time I posted with Mama's Mission was in April!  So with summer coming to an end and school starting up this month, my missions will start back up as well.  I only have a few missions I want to accomplish this month and one I am already working on.

Mission of the Month

  1. Get up earlier.  I am not a morning person and that tended to affect our school routine.  School rarely started before 11AM and then of course you have lunch and then after lunch you really lost interest in school, so school was always drug out into early evenings.  I have started to set my alarm for 8:30AM and have actually been getting up!  I set an additional alarm for 9AM to remind me school will be starting at 930AM so I have to get my butt in gear.  Even though we haven't started school, it seems to be working!  
  2. Plan our 2011-2012 school year.  Last year I planned our entire first semester.  I made plans for each week which covered every subject and every day.  For each week there was a folder and in each folder there was all of the items we would need for that week - worksheet, craft paper, or even just a note of craft items we would so I could fill the workboxes.  I felt so much better having everything planned and organized.  It made life so much easier and helped me focus on the tasks at hand.  
  3. Prepare our hurricane survival kit.  You would think that with my background with the fire department and my current involvement with the CERT program I would have already completed this.  Yeah, well...no.  We are coming up to the peak of hurricane season (August 15 - October 20).  So far we have been lucky, but I have learned 'don't count your chickens before they hatch.'  Don't get my wrong, I am not complaining, but I need to make sure that my family is ready for anything that may come our way.  I have a box that has been in my garage for probably the last 3 years with items for hurricane season.  But 3 years is a long time...
Since I have been feeling so motivated I have added two bonus items.  I would like to accomplish at least one of them, but I will work on these ONLY if I accomplish the original 2 of the original 3 (#1 is a month long goal).
  1. Make one scrapbook.  I have wanted to do this for some time and now that I have my Cricut machine I have a little more incentive to do something with it.  In April and May, I attempted to make t-shirts for a float trip we were going on.  Notice I said attempted.  Only one of the 5 turned out and oh it is so darn cute!!  As for the scrapbook, I have a lot of ideas, I just need to follow through with them.  
  2. Clean out the master bedroom.  I have done this once before, but well it is back to a messy disaster.  The big thing is we lack storage.  My clothes are folded neatly into two laundry baskets and my dresses are in the closet.  Kevin's clothes are in a built-in dresser and the closet.  Although we are looking for a new home, we really need to deal with the problem at hand.  This project must be done with my husband since quite a bit of it is his stuff!  I honestly think we can do this in one week, it just needs to get done.  
So there you have it.  My missions for the month.  They seem simple but they are things that need to get done.    And I am on a mission...