Shape It Up

Since I last posted, my journal has been all over the place except on here.  I have used Post-It notes, backs of worksheets, my grocery list, etc.  As I prepare month long adventure to help take care of my family in Missouri, I have been stressing.  Now when I stress sometimes I eat, sometimes I don't.  Sometimes I sleep, sometimes I don't.  This all happens to fall within "that time of the month" so I am bloated and craving sweets and not exactly the happiest person in the world.  On the plus side the only sweets I have in the house are Frosted Flakes because I am too lazy to make a batch of brownies or cinnamon rolls.

On Friday the weather was beautiful and I decided to take Kira to Anne Kolb Nature Center. The park has a 68-ft tower that you could climb (or take the elevator). I chose to climb and that's when I realized how out of shape I am.  It has concrete steps and at one point I would have felt comfortable running up the, not anymore.  I walked.  At about the 3rd level, I could definitely feel my heart racing.  My reward was a spectacular view of the mangrove estuary, West Lake, the Intercoastal Waterway, and the Atlantic Ocean.  We took a trail but in Florida most of your trails are flat and consist primarily of boardwalks.  In using the "Lose It!" program I was inside my calorie intake which felt really good.

On Saturday and Sunday my calorie intake was NOT where it should have been, but I wasn't over by much either.  I didn't do my workout plan on either day but did some major cleaning involving which involved a small workout.  Monday was the same.

Today the goal is to either go back and do the stairs at the park (multiple times) and find some of the trails along the water (they are usually dirt paths) or begin a new workout plan I found that is more intense.  Do you have specific exercises that you are doing?  Do you have a calorie intake that you are trying to stay within?    What motivates you?  What keeps you going?  To me losing this weight and being healthier is just not enough, I need something there to push me; to encourage me.

Shape It Up Assignment #1

My friend Crystal, signed me up (and I willingly joined) for an open group called "Shape It Up" on Facebook.  A number of friends from the Central Missouri area are on the group and we all want to lose weight but are lacking the motivation and some of us are just not sure where (or how) to start.  Since I am not a local-yocal any more, I am participating from my computer.  The group's official start date was January 15 (correct me if I am wrong ladies.)  Each week there are "assignments" or "challenges." and I will post them here and my accomplishments or lack there of.  I will be as honest as I can.