Time for school...for me!

How many of you have your email bursting at the seems with emails you have saved? Well, mine is and so in January I decided assist it with it's exceptional weight. While cleaning out my bursting at the seams email box, I came across this email from a friend and former professor asking when I was going to finish my bachelor's degree.  I had to laugh because every now and then finishing my degree has crossed my mind.  Unfortunately the last time I looked into finishing, the classes I needed weren't offered online.  So curious as always, I decided to send an email.  Honestly, I was expecting the same response but his wife (also one of my professors and is the head of the department) informed me that after looking at my transcript I only need 4 classes!  Four of the most time consuming classes I think I ever will tackle but it's worth it right?  I mean, a degree in Crisis and Disaster Management could get me a job ANYWHERE!

There are a few things that are holding me back.  

  • My father-in-law diagnosed with Alzheimer's - This isn't really a big thing but it is something that weighs on me.  I want to be able to fly back to help my mother-in-law if needed and that will require Kira and I to travel. 
  • Homeschooling - I have been out of school since 2003/2004.  I had a child but I was able to handle school.  Now I am educating my daughter.  She depends on me and I must make her a priority.  We have a schedule that is working and I am torn between what to do.  If I do make the decision to go back to school, our schedule will have to be more rigid.  I will have to stick to my guns.  
  • Money - I'm not sure if we can afford it right now.  I will definitely have to sit down with the hubby and see if it is in our budget.
  • My seizures and memory lossCurrently they are "under control" but having one and losing my short term memory scares me.  I am afraid that I will have to back to reread some of the most boring textbooks that are known to man just because I don't remember them.  

And last but not least, the biggest one...

  • I'm scared - I mean, I'm really, really scared.  Remember I have been out of school since 2003/2004 and the last classes I took happened before I had all my seizures and memory loss.  I don't want to fail.  I want to show my daughter that as long as I put my mind to it, I can do it and so can she.  
I'm excited on one hand, but scared on another.  Look forward to updates soon!