February Mission of the Month

My mission last month was to learn how to use my new Christmas gifts, a Cricut Cutting Machine and a Gypsy.  This is a rolling mission but I wanted to make sure I got started.  I did a lot of research and learned a lot but really didn't cut much.  I need more cartridges so my goal is to purchase a cartridge a month.  I found out that there are three different software programs that also work with them which I will go into at a later time.  What I did cut out were thank you notes.  They aren't anything fancy but I did cut something out!  So . . .

Mission Accomplished

I also had 3 optional missions:
  1. Eat at the table 3 out of 7 days of the week.  (Yeah, well . . . that's a big fat fail.)
    The big problem is that the table stinks and well when it smells like something died on it, you don't tend to want to eat at it.  Which of course lead me right into #2.
  2. Shop for a new kitchen table and chairs.  (Found at IKEA, now just need to purchase.)
  3. Liven up the blog (and blog consistently).  (Mission in progress.)
    I don't know exactly if I am doing this since no one tends to comment on what I write.  Right now this is just a place for me to write my thoughts, feelings and home school activities.
Last week I started reading "Searching for Paradise in Parker, PA" by Kris Radish.  Reading is a huge accomplishment because the last time I read a book it took 6 months.  I have read three books by K. Radish and I have grown to love all of her books.  I highly recommend each and every one.  This book is about one woman and her marriage and how it affects her friends, neighbors and community.  So worth reading . . .

Mission of the Month

So what's on my February Mission?  I am so glad you asked!  Recently I am finding that as a home school mom I have some hurdles I need to overcome.
  1. Wake up earlier.
    This has been something that I have wanted to do and maybe, just maybe having it as my mission will help me accomplish it.  Easy to say, not so easy to do.  (I have a habit of turning off my alarm.) 
  2. Make sure that workboxes are prepared the night before.
    I have become lax in our workbox station.  We are ahead in our studies which is fantastic but because of that, I have quit maintaining our workbox station. 
  3. Complete started lapbooks.
    We have probably 6 lapbooks we have started and well, need to finish them.
  4. Develop a schedule.
    This is a multi-part schedule.  The first part is a home school schedule.  This home school schedule will help with our morning routine, craft time, and outdoor activities.   The second part is a cleaning schedule.  Recently I have found that when I either spend all of my time cleaning or all of it schooling.  I need to discover a balance.   
  5. Look into a tutor.
    To help with that regaining balance in my life we are looking into a tutor to assist us in our schooling.  There are some things that she excells at but there are also things in which she is lacking.  I want to make sure that we are keeping up with what she really needs.  School is supposed to be fun and not stressful.  
  6. Look into what I need to finish my degree.
    In January, I found out that I only need to take 4 more classes to finish my Crisis and Disaster Management degree!  I am so excited, yet so nervous.  This month I am going to look into financial aid and the information I need for beginning my internship.  Just typing that word makes me nervous!   
  7. Begin a workout program.
    In June, my daughter are going on our first floating/camping/hiking trip.  I am so excited and soooo out of shape.  So time to whip out that Wii Fitness, my bar bells, and the yoga mat.  This girl is going to get back in shape and only has 4 months to do it!   
So my fellow Mama's Mission groupies, what are you waiting for?  Let's get busy!