November Teen/Tween Challenge

On Friday, Kira participated in our monthly homeschool group's Teen/Tween Challenge.  This month the challenge was to make a paper table out of eight sheets of newspaper.  It didn't go exactly as planned...for Kira at least.  Before we got there she was super excited about going and seeing all her friends again.  Attendance was extremely low so instead of working in teams they worked individually.

I didn't get many pictures because Kira was having a really bad day.  

The winners!
Kira began working on her table and just seemed to get more and more frustrated.  They had a time limit of one hour and time limits are an anxiety trigger for her.  Needless to say she didn't get done in time to compete.  I was working on one myself, and we just used mine and added to it.  We "competed" against the other kids that were making additions to their tables and she didn't do bad, but we definitely could have made out design better!

Adding the load...
Starting to buckle...
Down she goes!
It did hold quite a bit.  
Another contestant...