Knock, Knock...

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Ben who?
Ben away for a while but I'm back now!

I can't believe how long ago my last post was!  We went on vacation and things just got crazy!  We joined a couple of homeschool groups and they are hoppin'.  There is always something going on.  My child has more of a social life than I do!  

With homeschooling, homeschool co-ops, holiday parties, choir, church functions, civic meetings, CERT meetings and training, the list could go on and on, but I am tired just typing it.  I am finding it hard to keep up with chores, specifically organization.  Oh, and I might add, I was offered a part time job (that pays) and I took it!

So what am I going to do?  I am going to restructure my life.  I need to get back into exercising, specifically walking.  I signed up to do my first 5k - "A Walk for Epilepsy."  Being that I have epilepsy, I thought this would be a perfect thing for my first walk.  I'm a little excited and a lot nervous.  Excited that I am finally biting the bullet to do this but nervous in that I will fail or not follow through.  Yesterday I worked a marathon water station which I love doing, but somehow I sprained my knee.  I have no idea how, all I know is that it hurts.  Bad.  

I have a number of things I need to do to organize my life to prepare for this new chapter.  Guess I need to start...yesterday!