Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

A couple of friends have been on my mind a lot recently.  Two have cancer and another lost his mother (known to many as Yoda) and has had some other personal matters that have upended his life.

This gentleman is a huge Star Wars fan, and I mean HUGE!!  So when I saw in my Facebook news feed that someone had made Star Wars snowflake templates I immediately knew what I could do.  I was dreading to cut them out by hand because well, that takes a lot of time, but hey, some friends are worth it!

But I had this awesome idea.  Remember when my hubby got me that awesome craft cutting dohickamajiggy last year for my birthday?  Oh, yeah!  It cuts out intricate designs and it would be perfect for it.  Sure enough, I found the pictures, downloaded them.  I brought them into the software, traced them, and booyah!  It cut them perfectly.  It is up to him to figure out how to hang them, but I am thinking about laminating them so he can use them from year to year.

Since he is always on Facebook, I can't post them on there but since I don't think he knows about my blog, I am safe to write about it.  I cut out about 8 characters and will send them to him tomorrow.  Hopefully he will get them the first of next week.

Now in my family, we are huge Doctor Who fans.  My 13 year old daughter wants all things Doctor Who.  So I am in the process of cutting out Doctor Who themed snowflakes.  They aren't as popular so I am having to work harder at cutting them out than I did the Star Wars.  Currently she is staying at a friend's house and I am going to hang them on her bedroom door.  I'm excited to see her reaction when she sees them!