Want to know more? Sure you do! So what is 101 in 1001? Well, here's the scoop. You are supposed to come up with 101 goals to complete in 1001 days or 2.75 years. Given my love of lists and planning I have decided to try it. I feel so much better when I can cross something off my list. Although I have already joined Mama Jean's Mission of the Month, I thought this would be a great way to motivate me to complete additional goals.
This goal setting reminded me of a book I recently read -- No it is not "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" it is called "The Sunday Book of Dreams" by Kris Radish. I highly recommend it to any woman, well heck any man might enjoy it as well. Trust me go to this link and read the available pages. You will be hooked or at least I was. Back to the Day Zero Project (aka 101 in 1001), you log in and