I've been following this website called Positively Positive. Today the post was entitled "Turn Your 'To Do List' Into A What Matters List". I found it very interesting that the person who wrote made a "confession." Their "confession" was that every morning they wake up to a 20+ things to do, with only time to do 10, but somehow they end up squishing 30 things into their day. The author of "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying," describes this as 'active laziness.' It is the need to compulsively cram our lives with a lot of unimportant activities, leaving little time to really confront what matters.
We live in a highly sped-up culture and our 'need for speed' promotes forgetting. Just look at those of us with cell phones. We are constantly glued to them. I have a Smart Phone (or as a good friend calls hers a 'Dumb Phone'). I use my phone not only for phone calls, but for emails, my calendar, my diary, my emails, etc. At one time I could leave my house and feel comfortable without a phone in my hand or my purse. Now I am lost without it. I never thought that I would be so dependent on a phone. A phone!
When we speed up our life not only do we forget about daily details ("Oops! Forgot to pick up more milk!" but also allows us to forget about our overall life values and how to live our most passion-filled, love-filled, growth-filled, fun-filled life!
What all does this mean? The next time I find myself racing quickly down the street, I need to remember I am not the only running to my next appointment - but "I am running away from contact with my truest feelings, deepest needs and most valuable insights."
With this in mind, I am feel the obligation look closer at my TO DO LIST, then make sure that my list also doubles up as my WHAT MATTERS MOST LIST!
Did you know...
on Monday, October 10, 2011
Did You Know
Did you know Hawaii and South Dakota officially do not observe Columbus Day at all?
Quote of the Day
That's why we have a computer! FOR INFORMATION! I need to know everything about everything! ~ Kira, age 8I informed Kira that we have a long weekend because Monday is Labor Day she of course asked, 'What's Labor Day?' Now I know we talked about this last year but to a 2nd grader it really wasn't that important. That's when her curiosity kicked it. "Well, what do we do on Labor Day?" Nothing. Absolutely positively nothing. "Nothing? We can't do anything? Nothing at all?" Ok, now I can't resist to continue. Nope, nothing. We can't play games. We can't watch TV. No video games either! We can't cook. We can't even eat! "We can't eat? You know what happens when I don't eat. I get sick!" Ok, so I gave in on eating but everything else is still a no. I am surprised she hasn't asked me about going to the bathroom!
At this point I am having a hard time keeping a straight face. That's when she turns to me and says, "Mom, I think you really need to look this up. Really. That's why we have a computer! FOR INFORMATION! I need to know everything about everything!" The funny thing is she believes me. I am not sure how long I can drag this out but I am finding this absolutely hilarious.
I have refused to look it up on the internet for her, but told her we would discuss it later. She said she couldn't wait until Saturday and Sunday when she could play and have fun, but Labor Day...not so much. She wants to be able to do something.
Thinking Thursday
Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will. - Jawaharal NehruToday has been a day of thinking...thinking usually gets me in trouble and I am pretty sure what I am thinking will. What I am thinking is not important at this time, but just that I am. This thinking process was started by a friend of mine in a what-if conversation. Of course in what-ifs questions or conversations there are a number of possibilities that often flow into could haves, would haves, and should haves...
The quote that I chose for today is exactly how I feel. I never really thought about it until I went on my morning walk. Then of course this conversation and many others pop into my head. I have been dealt this hand of cards, some good, some bad, some...well, I am not really sure what to do with them yet. Some cards have already been played with varying results. I will spare you the details because I am not sure the details myself. All of these cards have some sort of result...it can be good or bad depending on when they are played. Some cards I can't wait to play, others I am scared to play, and then there are the ones that I would like to put back and draw another one.
Kira and I were reading Shel Silverstein and funny thing is he has a poem called Whatif...enjoy.
Whatif by Shel Silverstein
Last night, while I lay thinking here,
and pranced and partied all night long
and sang their same old Whatif song:
Whatif I'm dumb in school?
Whatif they've closed the swimming pool?
Whatif I get beat up?
Whatif there's poison in my cup?
Whatif I start to cry?
Whatif I get sick and die?
Whatif I flunk that test?
Whatif green hair grows on my chest?
Whatif nobody likes me?
Whatif a lightning strikes me?
Whatif I don't grow tall?
Whatif my head starts getting smaller?
Whatif the fish won't bite?
Whatif the wind tears up my kite?
Whatif my parents get divorced?
Whatif the bus is late?
Whatif my teeth don't grow in straight?
Whatif I tear my pants?
Whatif I never learn to dance?Everything seems well, and thenthe nighttime Whatifs strike again!
Mission of the Month August 2011
on Monday, August 1, 2011
Mama's Mission
So I have decided to jump back on the bandwagon so to speak and continue my missions with Mama Jenn in her Missions of the Month. If you are just now following my blog let me catch you up to speed. Mission of the Month was started by Mama Jenn in hopes that we can use our blogs to motivate ourselves. We are to make a list of our goals (aka missions) we would like to accomplish for the month - just for one month. At the end of the month we share with others in the group whether we succeded or were a complete failure. It has been really great to read what others have posted and it has also given me ideas as to what I could/should accomplish in the future. With that being said, it is hard to believe that the last time I posted with Mama's Mission was in April! So with summer coming to an end and school starting up this month, my missions will start back up as well. I only have a few missions I want to accomplish this month and one I am already working on.
- Get up earlier. I am not a morning person and that tended to affect our school routine. School rarely started before 11AM and then of course you have lunch and then after lunch you really lost interest in school, so school was always drug out into early evenings. I have started to set my alarm for 8:30AM and have actually been getting up! I set an additional alarm for 9AM to remind me school will be starting at 930AM so I have to get my butt in gear. Even though we haven't started school, it seems to be working!
- Plan our 2011-2012 school year. Last year I planned our entire first semester. I made plans for each week which covered every subject and every day. For each week there was a folder and in each folder there was all of the items we would need for that week - worksheet, craft paper, or even just a note of craft items we would so I could fill the workboxes. I felt so much better having everything planned and organized. It made life so much easier and helped me focus on the tasks at hand.
- Prepare our hurricane survival kit. You would think that with my background with the fire department and my current involvement with the CERT program I would have already completed this. Yeah, well...no. We are coming up to the peak of hurricane season (August 15 - October 20). So far we have been lucky, but I have learned 'don't count your chickens before they hatch.' Don't get my wrong, I am not complaining, but I need to make sure that my family is ready for anything that may come our way. I have a box that has been in my garage for probably the last 3 years with items for hurricane season. But 3 years is a long time...
Since I have been feeling so motivated I have added two bonus items. I would like to accomplish at least one of them, but I will work on these ONLY if I accomplish the original 2 of the original 3 (#1 is a month long goal).
- Make one scrapbook. I have wanted to do this for some time and now that I have my Cricut machine I have a little more incentive to do something with it. In April and May, I attempted to make t-shirts for a float trip we were going on. Notice I said attempted. Only one of the 5 turned out and oh it is so darn cute!! As for the scrapbook, I have a lot of ideas, I just need to follow through with them.
- Clean out the master bedroom. I have done this once before, but well it is back to a messy disaster. The big thing is we lack storage. My clothes are folded neatly into two laundry baskets and my dresses are in the closet. Kevin's clothes are in a built-in dresser and the closet. Although we are looking for a new home, we really need to deal with the problem at hand. This project must be done with my husband since quite a bit of it is his stuff! I honestly think we can do this in one week, it just needs to get done.
So there you have it. My missions for the month. They seem simple but they are things that need to get done. And I am on a mission...
The world needs dreamers...
on Thursday, July 21, 2011
The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do. - Sarah Ban BreathnachI have big dreams. Always have. But I am often disappointed when those dreams or more often goals are not achieved. It seems like ever school year I have a goal for myself. Sometimes it gets accomplished, sometimes...well, it doesn't. But this year I have decided to start early. And to be honest, this is going to be a tough one...
This picture sums up me. I don't do mornings. I hate mornings. I am grumpy and moody and I was once called Oscar the Grouch. Don't be surprised if I moan or grunt when you say 'Good Morning!' I am not chipper in the mornings and it drives me crazy that there are people who are. Unfortunately my daughter (God, bless her soul), is a morning person. I like mornings when they start later...much later.
So as I am planning our 2011-2012 school year, I have decided that I want to get up earlier. Start school earlier so we can end earlier and either 1.) We can both have our respective personal times, 2.) I can accomplish more cleaning, or 3.) We can spend more fun time together. And I have begun the journey to that goal.
So all this week I have been working towards that goal. That hour that I need to wake up has now been set. I have two alarms set, one on my alarm clock for 8:30AM and a back-up alarm that I stick under my pillow for 8:45AM. So far it has been working. Once I get up, I find breakfast, shower, get dressed and go to Facebook. I am trying to limit my time on Facebook to only an hour or so a day. That dang thing is addictive!!! But ladies and gents, I think I might just be able to pull this one off!
Every day this week, I have been getting up at 8:30AM or a little earlier. I feel rested, and energized. I am happy (or at least after I have had my hour to myself). I have decided not only to be a dreamer but to be a doer. A doer who accomplishes those goals I set for myself and for my family. (And to finish school no later than 1:00PM!)
Every day this week, I have been getting up at 8:30AM or a little earlier. I feel rested, and energized. I am happy (or at least after I have had my hour to myself). I have decided not only to be a dreamer but to be a doer. A doer who accomplishes those goals I set for myself and for my family. (And to finish school no later than 1:00PM!)
Homeschool planning...
on Friday, July 15, 2011
Does homeschooling ever frighten you? As in, do you ever
that your kids might not know it all when you’re done?
First and foremost, yes and secondly define "know it all."
I need to give you a little background on our homeschooling
adventure. My first mistake when we
started homeschooling was to read homeschool blogs. You know the ones. The ones that talk about how much of a breeze
it is and how you will love it. Believe
me when I say they are full of it. It's
not all rainbows and unicorns that most of them show. It is not a walk in the
park. They lie and that is why I panic.
I stress. A lot!
I looked to them for advice on how I can make our homeschool
adventurous and fun and easy, but instead, I found myself comparing myself (and
my child) to them. That is the absolute worst
thing you can do to you (and your child)!
I also found I compared my child to her public school friends (and
sometimes still do). I see the things
that are being taught and think, "Oh, my gosh! We haven't even covered that yet! We are so behind." But then I think of the public schools and
how everything is taught one way and sometimes that one child is left behind to
fend for themselves and possibly never learning or understanding what was
taught. I am afraid that would be my
While I often struggle with the concept of not worrying if my
child is up to speed on each and every subject, my husband rests assured that
the she understand the concepts I am teaching her. We homeschool and
because that is what we think is right for our child. We learn different things at different paces
and well, we are able to spend the time that is needed for her to
understand. Sure she may not be moving
ahead as quickly as some of her public school friends - no big deal. I also have to remember that she is having
fun learning and that is what matters.
If you have fun learning, you will learn and remember.
I frequently receive comments about how much patience I must have
- "I could never do that with my child." What they don't see are the days we are both
at our wits end, both in tears, and I am ready to throw in the towel. Those days where I am so frustrated that she
is just not getting it and I don't know why.
Those days where it should take one lesson to grasp concept but for some
reason it just hasn't clicked and we are now working on day two or three of the
same lesson. It's like we are on a
treadmill - not going anywhere.
She was advanced in all areas but reading? Forget it.
We’d spend countless hours reading and pointing out words but nothing.
While kids her age (or younger) were already reading, she showed no
interest and I was devastated. People would tell me "She'll
learn when she's ready" but that wasn't good enough. We all
have hopes and dreams for our children.
We dream for the day when they can accomplish the task without the tears
and struggles. We frequently have
hurdles and speed bumps we must tackle on a weekly (or daily) basis. Then something happened. Something just clicked and we made a
breakthrough. I don't know what, but it did.
She went from not being able to read to reading picture books
overnight. I wanted her to love reading
as much as my husband and I do but I was convinced the entire situation was
doomed. I wasn't able to see the small
progress she was making simply because I wanted what I wanted.
I was finally able to see what my husband had been trying to tell
me for months. Our struggling reader was
no longer struggling. All those trials
and hurdles I'd climbed with her had paid off.
There are times that I don't see the accomplishments we are making
but others - especially my husband - do.
Sometimes she surprises me when something is asked and I think I will
have to walk her through the problem and she just spits out the answer.
So the answer is yes, I
worry. In fact, I am almost positive
that at one time or another all homeschool families worry about their child(ren). It is just one of those fates homeschool Moms
(and Dads) are doomed for. I often hold
my breath and try really, really hard not to panic and sometimes I just need
that one person to calm me down and bring me back to reality.
I have to say I am
grateful for my husband. He grounds
me. He brings me back to reality. I'm grateful to my daughter who amazes me and
reminds me that the struggles are worth it.
It's why we, as homeschoolers, seem to find ourselves saying,
"Don't worry, they'll be fine!"
As much as we say it to others is as often as we need to hear it
My daughter may not be learning the same stuff at the same time as public school students (who you are comparing my child to) but she is learning. Am I concerned? Nope. She'll be fine!
The Return of Mama...
on Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Kira and I flew back on Friday (I think it was Friday...yep, it was Friday) after 5 weeks of visiting family and friends back in Missouri. The trip was great but as long as it was, it seemed so short. There were many people we just didn't get to see. You don't realize how hard it is to see all the family and then squeeze a few friends in there and a special trip just for Kira and I. Well, it wasn't just for Kira and I but it was a kid friendly trip. Kira went on her FIRST ever camping and float trip, which was a complete success and hopefully, the group we went with will choose to plan another. If not, we may just have to plan our own. It was that much of a success! I am already excited!
The days are all sort of a blur while we were there, but also since we have returned. I slept all of Saturday and I mean ALL of Saturday. Sunday, well, to be honest. I don't remember Sunday. LOL Monday, Kira went with Kevin to the office and then to her BFFs house for a two day sleepover and I had the house to myself! Yep, all to myself! (Doesn't happen often.) And what did I do? NOTHING!! I really should have done something but well, I did nothing and if felt good. I put my feet up on the coffee table, grabbed a soda, my laptop, and listened to a new station I added on Pandora. I added a song I heard while in Missouri by Jaron and the Long Road to Love. It was called 'That's Beautiful to Me.' I heard it on the radio while driving back from Kirksville and I just couldn't get it out of my head. I don't listen to country, but that was the only station I could get. Long story short, I added it to a Pandora playlist, and it seemed like every couple of songs were sappy, romantic, beautiful songs. Songs that made me feel good inside, as if the writer or singer was singing to me. I know stupid right? Well, it did, and it felt great. Now this same artist sang a song called 'Pray for You' which is absolutely hilarious. Watch the link!
So what did I do on Tuesday? Since I felt so good on Monday, I decided to watch a sappy, romantic comedy. It wasn't sappy or romantic, but a comedy. I think it was misguided, but it was semi-funny, but I wouldn't have paid to see it. Oh, it was called, 'The Six Wives of Henry Lafey' starring Tim Allen. Yep, Tim the Toolman Taylor. Unfortunately the evening took a left turn and decided to throw me a curve ball - Mr Migraine. What happened to Mr Romantic, I don't know, but Mr Migraine took the reins and I took a nice HOT bubble bath (which seems to help) and went straight to bed.
I had a dream that swept me off my feet last night and probably is what continued my sappy mood today. It was like a movie scene. Absolutely breathtaking (men out there take notes!)
I was on a beach in the Keys. I was walking along the waters edge barefoot with the the waves hitting my feet and the sand swurling around them. I was all alone and just in one of those ho-hum moods. The mood was full and the stars were bright. It reminded me of being in Missouri and laying out in my Grandpa's field (although it is in Kansas, well never mind). Anyway, it was beautiful. Breathtaking. Romantic. Now this is where I knew it was a dream...I was wearing this beautiful white dress. For those of you who know me well, know that I do not like to wear dresses. But this was a dress I have been looking at every year when I go to the Keys. I am in love with it, but not ready to pay the price. Well, maybe this year I will.
Anyway, back to the dream...I could feel the sand beneath my feet and the waves slowly rolling over my toes. The sound of the waves refreshing. It was so relaxing. Calm. I remember taking a deep breath and could feel the cool, salty air filling my lungs. It was as if I was really there, but then again aren't we? Then all of a sudden this strong arm wraps around me, followed by a kiss on the neck, and me swooped up into the arms of a man. (Which I assume is my husband!)
Yep, I think I have officially watched way too many sappy romantic movies! As we all know in our dreams things go from one extreme to the next and I was in the water. I do not like water that much. Well, I like it, but I don't. You see when I was a child, I was pushed off of a high dive and now, I don't like to go into water above my neck. So this mystical romantic man takes me into the water. My heart is racing, so I cling to him. I was told to hold on, 'I won't let you go. Trust me' and I did. Well, this part I am sure this part was not my husband considering he is not a good swimmer and is not an outdoorsy person.
My dream takes me back to the beach where my dream man has a blanket all laid out and we snuggle until the sun rises. Honey, if you are reading this...take notes!
As I sit here, something my Grandmother told me comes to mind. 'Always toward absent lovers love's tide stronger flows.' I don't know who said it, but I am sure if I Wiki it, will come up with this very inspirational guy. It's always a guy. This was probably the original saying which inspired the modern saying 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder.'
Considering my romantic feelings, I posted on Facebook a request for romantic movies, romantic comedies, tear-jerkers, I just wanted something romantic. I had a number of great suggestions, but unfortunately only a few were in my DVD collection or on the instant watch option on Netflix. Note to self: MORE ROMANTIC MOVIES.
I have decided that this will be romance week. I only have a few days left, but I am sure in my collection of movies I will find at least 3 more romantic movies. PS I Love You (Gerard Butler) is on the top of the list. I might watch it tomorrow. I have this thing for men with accents - specifically from Scotland or Ireland. I tell Kevin that's why I married him. He can do a great British accent...another fav of mine.
So my dear friends...I love you till the end.
The days are all sort of a blur while we were there, but also since we have returned. I slept all of Saturday and I mean ALL of Saturday. Sunday, well, to be honest. I don't remember Sunday. LOL Monday, Kira went with Kevin to the office and then to her BFFs house for a two day sleepover and I had the house to myself! Yep, all to myself! (Doesn't happen often.) And what did I do? NOTHING!! I really should have done something but well, I did nothing and if felt good. I put my feet up on the coffee table, grabbed a soda, my laptop, and listened to a new station I added on Pandora. I added a song I heard while in Missouri by Jaron and the Long Road to Love. It was called 'That's Beautiful to Me.' I heard it on the radio while driving back from Kirksville and I just couldn't get it out of my head. I don't listen to country, but that was the only station I could get. Long story short, I added it to a Pandora playlist, and it seemed like every couple of songs were sappy, romantic, beautiful songs. Songs that made me feel good inside, as if the writer or singer was singing to me. I know stupid right? Well, it did, and it felt great. Now this same artist sang a song called 'Pray for You' which is absolutely hilarious. Watch the link!
So what did I do on Tuesday? Since I felt so good on Monday, I decided to watch a sappy, romantic comedy. It wasn't sappy or romantic, but a comedy. I think it was misguided, but it was semi-funny, but I wouldn't have paid to see it. Oh, it was called, 'The Six Wives of Henry Lafey' starring Tim Allen. Yep, Tim the Toolman Taylor. Unfortunately the evening took a left turn and decided to throw me a curve ball - Mr Migraine. What happened to Mr Romantic, I don't know, but Mr Migraine took the reins and I took a nice HOT bubble bath (which seems to help) and went straight to bed.
I had a dream that swept me off my feet last night and probably is what continued my sappy mood today. It was like a movie scene. Absolutely breathtaking (men out there take notes!)
I was on a beach in the Keys. I was walking along the waters edge barefoot with the the waves hitting my feet and the sand swurling around them. I was all alone and just in one of those ho-hum moods. The mood was full and the stars were bright. It reminded me of being in Missouri and laying out in my Grandpa's field (although it is in Kansas, well never mind). Anyway, it was beautiful. Breathtaking. Romantic. Now this is where I knew it was a dream...I was wearing this beautiful white dress. For those of you who know me well, know that I do not like to wear dresses. But this was a dress I have been looking at every year when I go to the Keys. I am in love with it, but not ready to pay the price. Well, maybe this year I will.
Anyway, back to the dream...I could feel the sand beneath my feet and the waves slowly rolling over my toes. The sound of the waves refreshing. It was so relaxing. Calm. I remember taking a deep breath and could feel the cool, salty air filling my lungs. It was as if I was really there, but then again aren't we? Then all of a sudden this strong arm wraps around me, followed by a kiss on the neck, and me swooped up into the arms of a man. (Which I assume is my husband!)
Yep, I think I have officially watched way too many sappy romantic movies! As we all know in our dreams things go from one extreme to the next and I was in the water. I do not like water that much. Well, I like it, but I don't. You see when I was a child, I was pushed off of a high dive and now, I don't like to go into water above my neck. So this mystical romantic man takes me into the water. My heart is racing, so I cling to him. I was told to hold on, 'I won't let you go. Trust me' and I did. Well, this part I am sure this part was not my husband considering he is not a good swimmer and is not an outdoorsy person.
My dream takes me back to the beach where my dream man has a blanket all laid out and we snuggle until the sun rises. Honey, if you are reading this...take notes!
As I sit here, something my Grandmother told me comes to mind. 'Always toward absent lovers love's tide stronger flows.' I don't know who said it, but I am sure if I Wiki it, will come up with this very inspirational guy. It's always a guy. This was probably the original saying which inspired the modern saying 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder.'
Considering my romantic feelings, I posted on Facebook a request for romantic movies, romantic comedies, tear-jerkers, I just wanted something romantic. I had a number of great suggestions, but unfortunately only a few were in my DVD collection or on the instant watch option on Netflix. Note to self: MORE ROMANTIC MOVIES.
I have decided that this will be romance week. I only have a few days left, but I am sure in my collection of movies I will find at least 3 more romantic movies. PS I Love You (Gerard Butler) is on the top of the list. I might watch it tomorrow. I have this thing for men with accents - specifically from Scotland or Ireland. I tell Kevin that's why I married him. He can do a great British accent...another fav of mine.
So my dear friends...I love you till the end.
I'm still here. I promise. You're stuck with me!
on Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Since I have received multiple emails of my presence, I have decided to write again. No, I have not gone missing like the Aussie blogger in China (thank gosh!) I have been right here I just haven't been posting. I know you are sitting there just waiting for my next post -- NOT!! But I promise everything is fine. For the last several weeks I have been in a funk of some sorts causing me to sleep up to 10 hours a day, give or take. Yes, for all of you non-sleepers, your sleep seems to be keeping me company. Thus since I am sleeping so much, many things have found themselves flung to the wayside. The cats are loving it. I curl up on the couch and they seem to sleep around me like a cocoon. Depending on my position depends on which cats I find on me when I wake up. Although I am not sure what is causing this 'funk', today has been a wonderful day and I am hoping the clouds are starting to clear. The end of the school year is closing in very quickly and we have several unfinished projects. My daughter and I go on 'vacation' in June for a month, so unfortunately those items we do not finish by the end of May will be traveling with us. You must have read that sentence again. Yes, it did say a month. The hubby will have to fend for himself, but he can manage. He's a big boy! Plus he has the cats to keep him company.
I don't exactly feel tired, but I am thinking it would probably be a good idea if I did attempt to go to sleep. Think I will go read my new book 'Heat Wave' by Richard Castle. Yep, Richard Castle from the Castle the tv show. I just can't get enough of Nathan Fillion!
I don't exactly feel tired, but I am thinking it would probably be a good idea if I did attempt to go to sleep. Think I will go read my new book 'Heat Wave' by Richard Castle. Yep, Richard Castle from the Castle the tv show. I just can't get enough of Nathan Fillion!
Earth Day Fiasco...
on Saturday, April 23, 2011
Earth Day,
Paper Mache,
The Magic School Bus
Yesterday (April 22) was Earth Day. I didn't have a lot planned so we spent the day riding our bikes -- okay, Kira rode and I walked/jogged behind. We also did a few fun crafts. The first one is a coffee filter globe. For some reason as a child I found it fascinating that you could draw with marker, drip water on it and it would change. I know, I am strange. Anyway, we took our coffee filters and decorated them as the world. They looked really cool. Unfortunately while drying outside, Kira's blew away. So we will make a new one today.
But wait, there's more! Gracie, our cat had to come observe what we were doing in the kitchen and this is what she saw....
Instead of painting it, we decided to use tissue paper. On another site it showed a paper mache project covered in tissue paper and it looked beautiful. So...we tried it. Now to make putting the ocean and the land on a little easier, I drew out the continents. They are not drawn to scale and as Kira so kindly pointed out Hawaii is missing and Antarctica is too small.
But I woke up this morning and found this...
Sorry about the blurriness but as you can plainly see, it still looks white and well the bottom decided to cave in. I think we can mark this as a FAIL, but we [took] chances, [made] mistakes and [got] messy. Quote adapted from Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus!
But wait, there's more! Gracie, our cat had to come observe what we were doing in the kitchen and this is what she saw....
We had a few bumps along the way since this was a new project for both of us. I don't remember ever doing paper mache in school or with my Mom. I used a flour/water ratio I found online and I thought our world was starting to look pretty darn good!
Instead of painting it, we decided to use tissue paper. On another site it showed a paper mache project covered in tissue paper and it looked beautiful. So...we tried it. Now to make putting the ocean and the land on a little easier, I drew out the continents. They are not drawn to scale and as Kira so kindly pointed out Hawaii is missing and Antarctica is too small.
But I woke up this morning and found this...
Sorry about the blurriness but as you can plainly see, it still looks white and well the bottom decided to cave in. I think we can mark this as a FAIL, but we [took] chances, [made] mistakes and [got] messy. Quote adapted from Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus!
on Wednesday, April 20, 2011
One of my favorite songs as a child was "Sleep, Sleep" by the Rosenshontz. Then again the Rosenshontz was my favorite music group as a young child.
♫ Sleep Sleep, you gotta go to sleep, right now.
Sleep sleep, you gotta go to sleep. ♫
Well, I last night I took that song to heart and slept and I slept good! I woke up before the alarm -- sometime around 6:30AM. Did the morning routine -- bathroom, brush teeth, comb hair, all but eating breakfast. I crawled back in bed, thinking I was going to read when in fact I just went back to sleep. So what was the problem? I turned off the alarm and I am not sure that Kevin set his. The next thing I know, Kevin is waking me up saying it is almost 11AM!
I have a routine of a morning. While eating breakfast, I check out Facebook. One of the posts on a site I check frequently, The FlyLady, she says today is Anti-Procrastination Day. I am the queen of procrastination!
So what have I been putting off -- dishes, laundry, cleaning the bathroom (I know yuck!), sweeping and I am sure there are more things but that is what I am going to start with. I honestly thought I had more laundry than what I do, but I don't. I am not complaining. Maybe I will even wash the curtains and open the windows. It is a little toasty today but I think some fresh air would be nice.
Well, enough procrastinating. Let's get things done today! I know I can do it!!
Learning CAN Be Fun!!
on Friday, April 15, 2011
The Magic School Bus
If the ones that hit the planet are called meteorites, then what do you call the ones that missed?
In coordination with Miss Frizzle and The Magic School Bus, Kira and I have been learning a lot about the planets. Here is what Kira remembers from our lessons this week:
- Mercury is the hottest planet. It is also the smallest.
- Venus is the brightest planet but we cannot see it at night. They call it Earth's twin.
- Earth is where we live and the only place that has life.
- Mars is the red planet. It has iron in the dirt and is covered with dust.
- Jupiter is the largest one and has a LOT of moons! It is a gas planet. (And she giggles...)
- Saturn has rings and is also a gas planet.
- Uranus is blue-green and also has skinny rings.
- We cannot see Neptune without a telescope.
- Pluto is not a planet any more. *frown*
I found a lapbook that was specifically for the Magic School Bus episode we watched. With the information from it and the other things I found our lapbook was 3 folders long.
Oh, and my friend Christina, sent me a link to the Blues Clues Planet Song. Kira is in the process of learning it and I will post it this weekend!
Body by Pizza...
on Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Weight Loss
A friend of mine started a Facebook Group called 'To Our Health.' We were all talking that we need to lose some weight but were lacking motivation. Each day we post what we have eaten, the exercising we have done, and any questions or concerns we may have. Someone usually has an answer. We are not only doing this for ourselves but for our families. A fellow Cairoite, Jill Eoff was on the Today Show a couple of weeks ago and I think Jill Eoff really got us going. In 2008 she weighed in at 344 lbs! I was shocked. After starting Weight Watchers, Jill began to lose the weight. In 4 years she lost 182 lbs.
I haven't been on the scales for some time but I used my Wii Fit board and weighed in at 163 lbs. That is 15 lbs lighter than when I was at the doctor in November. Not a tremendous amount of weight but it is a start. I am not noticing it in my clothes so that is really what I am wanting to do. I have a lot of clothes that are size 12 but since I am so close to that size I can't bring myself to get ride of them. Now today I had 1/2 a packet of ramen noodles with some grilled chicken. It was saltier than I would have liked but it was also healthier than what I normally have. I know tonight's supper is not going to be the healthiest. Wednesdays we always go to McDonald's after Kira's Girl Scout meeting. Wednesday is the night for cheap cheesburgers. We normally just get only the cheeseburgers and bring them home. I found this blog that I am going to start reading as well. It is called Body By Pizza. Sounds interesting.
Current weight: 163 lbs
Goal weight: 135 lbs
Goal weight: 135 lbs
When you wake up in the morning...
on Thursday, April 7, 2011
♫ You brush your teeth ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch...♫
(Brush Your Teeth by Raffi)
(Brush Your Teeth by Raffi)
On Tuesday, April 5, Kira had her first dentist appointment. We have had such a hard time finding a dentist that we like but we were growing concerned about some of Kira's baby teeth -- one of the top teeth still hasn't pushed through. Dr. Michele was fantastic with Kira! Of course there were a million questions that Dr Michele had to answer but she has a little boy who is eight so I guess she is used to it. Kira drilled her on all of the little gizmos and gadgets the Dr. Michele or her assistant would be using to inspect and clean her teeth. After the bazillion questions it was time for the exam. Kira cackled the entire time. Unfortunately I was in the other room so I wasn't able to see what she was doing only hear from the other room but it was still so much fun.
We have been fighting with Kira to brush in the morning and before bedtime and she was doing great -- then something happened. We don't know what. It just did and we had to start reminding her to do it. If we forgot to remind her, she wouldn't. So yesterday was a completely different story. She brushed in the morning, after lunch and at bedtime! I was amazed. AND she even flossed (or at least tried to.)
After lunch today and right before the end of school she said, 'I forgot to brush my teeth!' and off she went running to the bathroom.
Did you know...?
Did You Know,
Did you know that today, April 7, is officially National No Housework Day? Nope, me either!! So if you get this in time there shall be no laundry. No dishes. No vacuuming (I have a robot anyway). And absolutely positively no guilt. Find a good book (or movie), put your feet up, and enjoy the day. You deserve it!
Now I am going to finish the dishes -- it is just something I have to do but the rest of the day I will be chillaxin!
Singin', Cleanin' & Dancin'
on Monday, April 4, 2011
Public school was out of school today so we were too. So what have I done to occupy my time you might be asking...Well, cleaning of course! While my parents were visiting we bought a new entertainment center and a bookcase/desk. Putting both together required a lot of rearranging and unfortunately I have things piled everywhere! I don't have as much storage for books as what I had so it is taking a lot of shuffling and right now it doesn't feel like I am making any progress.
I didn't get as much accomplished as what I was hoping but it has been good singing, dancing, and cleaning. We have had fun, although I am not sure how much fun cleaning is, dancing to Kung-Fu Fighting, ♫ Everybody was kung-fu fighting, Those cats were fast as lightning... ♫.
Now I just need more upbeat kid-friendly songs. I think I embarassed Kira while I was singing with a flashlight and dancing with the broom...but she got over it (I think!)
Now we are off to exercise. Kira will be riding her bike and I will attempt to keep up!
I didn't get as much accomplished as what I was hoping but it has been good singing, dancing, and cleaning. We have had fun, although I am not sure how much fun cleaning is, dancing to Kung-Fu Fighting, ♫ Everybody was kung-fu fighting, Those cats were fast as lightning... ♫.
Now I just need more upbeat kid-friendly songs. I think I embarassed Kira while I was singing with a flashlight and dancing with the broom...but she got over it (I think!)
Now we are off to exercise. Kira will be riding her bike and I will attempt to keep up!
Lightning, Thunder, Severe Storm Weather...
on Saturday, April 2, 2011
Storm Spotter
Being a former firefighter, I fall into that ambulance chaser category. Which I know has nothing to do with this, but I love a good storm, so why not become a storm spotter? Now I am not a storm chaser and probably never will. I think that is a little too much excitement for me.
I have always loved watching storms roll in, winds whipping the trees around, lightning, the whole works. Now your average everyday rain storm just makes me sleepy but those big storms, you know the ones that have that cool front move accompanied by dark, almost black clouds and awesomely wicked lightning. I don't know why but I think it gives me an adrenalin rush. Now I don't want to go dance in the rain, but I love to watch out the window or listen to the crack of thunder.
So now I am an official Storm Spotter with a number and everything! I guess I will keep my eyes to the sky the next time we have a storm. I might just find something really cool!
March Madness is over...
on Friday, April 1, 2011
Mama's Mission
- Start a morning routine and stick with it for one month! My original goal was to wake up at 8:30AM Monday thru Friday, which was immediately pushed to 9:00AM. Breakfast was no problem since the medication I take must be taken with my morning meal. I frequently found I made more than 3 MITS (Most Important Things) for the day -- I need to learn to minimize. And exercising for 30 minutes -- hahahaha! But now that my daughter has learned to ride her bike -- I have a feeling that I will be exercising a lot more! (Partially completed)
- Design "The Pirates of the Current Float Trip" t-shirtsI Logo has been designed just needs to be revised. (Finished)
- Practice using my Cricut. In order to make some special shirts for the float trip, I needed to learn to use my Cricut and purchase some software. (Completed thanks to my hubby.)
- Maintain my cleaning schedule for one month. My parents came to visit and thanks to my Mommy, actually stayed intact. (Finished)
- Maintain exercise program for at least three days a for one month. After teaching my daughter to ride her bike, I have been attempting to jog to keep up with her. Let's just say she can peddle faster than I can jog. So in two weeks, I have run til my little legs felt like they were going to fall off! My body is still not in shape but I have a feeling it will begin to get to my ultimate goal -- not in time for the float trip but at least it will be a start. I need a military boot camp to get this bodatious bod in shape. (Started)
- Finish my new Kris Radish book: Dancing Naked at the Edge of Dawn. I lost the book. BUT I found it right after my parents left! I made a good dent in the book and it will probably be finished by the middle of April but it did not make the finish line this month. (Incomplete)
Since I completed only half of my overall goal, I would have to say:
A Day to Celebrate!
Today is a fantastic day for me and although uber fantastic it has been very emotional. Not emotional bad, although there have been a few tears here and there, but all so very good. Make sure you are sitting down...
Today is my one year anniversary from my last seizure!
This is no April Fool's joke! For those of you who have been with me from the very beginning this has been a very rough road resulting in black eyes, broken noses, injured fingers, many bumps, bruises and scrapes, and the absolute worst -- memory loss. We knew that the time would come (or so we prayed) that there would be a time I would be 'seizure free.' Although I will never be 'seizure free' I have been given many hurdles to jump -- some resulting in a face plant on the floor -- but I have conquered!
The biggest problem is the memory loss. In 2004, while attempting a medication change, I had 3 seizures in a 9 hr period resulting in an estimated 5-8 yrs of memory loss. We knew there was memory loss but the extent was not determined until a couple of days after being released from the hospital when I flew to Missouri for my brother's high school graduation. Teachers, relatives, people I went to school with, to church with or just people who lived in my town and the surrounding area were strangers. I didn't recognize their face, their voice, or both! I didn't even know where I lived other than in Florida. 'Friends' would come up to me asking how life in Florida was and I would tell them everything was great. Which until my seizures it was. After they would walk off I would find myself turning to my husband asking who they were. Of course he knew very few from my hometown, and he was as clueless as I.
Through the years, bits and pieces have come back. I am sure that there is much to remember but it is hard to say if I remember it all or because I don't know what I am missing. That sounds really strange but I don't know how else to phrase it. It has been extremely frustrating. While I was visiting I woke my husband to tell him I knew where Dunkin Donuts was -- to me that was a huge accomplishment since it was in the process of being built and only a block away from my home. My husband although happy for me told me to go back to sleep. LOL
People often ask if there is anything that I notice since I was diagnosed with seizures. Well, other than living in Lowther Penitentiary for 2+ years, depending on others to chauffeur and supervise me as if I were a child -- no nothing that I am aware of. At first, I hated having to depend on others. Now that I have had 2+ years to do so, I am finding it hard to become independent again. I have discovered that I tend to use smaller words when writing or speaking, and frequently ask questions as to meanings of words or for a word that I am trying to use in a sentence.
My strength through the entire thing is Kevin and Kira. Both have stood by my side, picked me up when I was down (literally). Kevin's office has been fantastic and when my seizures were at their worst, he was able to work from home on some days. My doctor, Dr. Eduardo Locatelli has saved me! Due to the type of seizures I will be on medication the rest of my life. Yet that wonderful man found the magical concoction that my brain so desperately needed. We have remained positive throughout, although some days were very rough emotionally and physically.
To my friends and family -- For your love, support and prayers through the last 8 years, thank you!
Kira Vs. The Bike
on Monday, March 28, 2011
We have finally reached a new milestone -- riding the bike. After 3 excruciating days of attempting to ride her bike without training wheels, Kira has done it! Okay, so it wasn't that bad...but there was a lot of frustration on both parts and there was a lot of tears and complaining on hers! It definitely wasn't a walk in the park.
We still need to work on some things -- starting off on our own, brakes, and riding on the right side of the road. I think I have just as many bumps and bruises but she can now ride! My parents are visiting so this was great for them to see. Dad said she needs a t-shirt that says 'I learned to ride my bike at gunpoint.'
Yesterday was her first day of riding without assistance and let me tell you she wore me out! I have been wanting to lose some weight and I think this will do it. My legs (shins) are in great pain. I am going to have to take it easy and try to remember how to run again. There is no speed walking now.
As she passed me in the last photo she was saying, 'I know I can, I know I can, I know I can...' I am one proud Mama today!
We still need to work on some things -- starting off on our own, brakes, and riding on the right side of the road. I think I have just as many bumps and bruises but she can now ride! My parents are visiting so this was great for them to see. Dad said she needs a t-shirt that says 'I learned to ride my bike at gunpoint.'
Yesterday was her first day of riding without assistance and let me tell you she wore me out! I have been wanting to lose some weight and I think this will do it. My legs (shins) are in great pain. I am going to have to take it easy and try to remember how to run again. There is no speed walking now.
Getting prepared... |
Off she goes again! |
Proud Daddy and Papa waiting! |
As she passed me in the last photo she was saying, 'I know I can, I know I can, I know I can...' I am one proud Mama today!
Monday Mood Swings: Mother Nature vs Japan
on Monday, March 14, 2011
Mother Nature
We all know that Mother Nature has mood swings. Unfortunately on Friday, Japan was in her way and got slammed. They did nothing wrong, but as we all know a when a mood swing hits a woman, all hell can break loose! Cars, ships, and building were all swept away by a wall of water after a 8.9 earthquake stuck northeast of Tokyo around the Sendai area. It's hard to image the power of those waves. We have seen in the news so many different videos by Japanese residents or even tourists who have posted on Facebook or submitted to the media.
One particular Facebook post is a 6 minutes video showing waters rising, cars floating down the street or disappearing below the surface, and buildings crumbling their water grave. It takes your breath away to see the devastation caused by these two events. What amazed me is that in this video the people remained calm. There was nothing they could do but you don't hear any crying or screaming, other than the rushing water and the buildings crumbling in the background there is silence. Crowds remained orderly and calm! Maybe it was shock at the damage, the loss of loved ones, but no matter what caused their calming behavior these people are absolutely amazing.
Kira and I have learned a lot about Japan in the last several days. One thing that I didn't know was that 73% of Japan is forested, mountainous, and is unsuitable for agricultural, industrial, or residential use! Therefore, the habitable zones, mainly located in the coastal areas have an extremely high population density. Then comes the Ring of Fire! Did you know that 10% of the world's active volcanoes are found in Japan? No? I didn't either! Japan falls in between the Pacific Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate and due to that 'ring of fire' as many as 1,500 earthquakes are recorded yearly!
If one country is prepared for this type of scenario it is Japan. Due to their extensive code enforcement and the fact they are trained at an early age to dive under a desk to protect themselves in a quake, their preparation undoubtedly saved many lives on Friday.
Our family has spent the entire weekend glued to the news, waiting and watching what is to happen next. It reminds me a lot of Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans. Your heart just goes out to these people and you want to do something to help, but what?
Do you want to learn more about Japan with your child? If so visit Kids Web Japan. It is a wealth of information about geography, history, language, culture, and much, much more. Enjoy!
One particular Facebook post is a 6 minutes video showing waters rising, cars floating down the street or disappearing below the surface, and buildings crumbling their water grave. It takes your breath away to see the devastation caused by these two events. What amazed me is that in this video the people remained calm. There was nothing they could do but you don't hear any crying or screaming, other than the rushing water and the buildings crumbling in the background there is silence. Crowds remained orderly and calm! Maybe it was shock at the damage, the loss of loved ones, but no matter what caused their calming behavior these people are absolutely amazing.
Kira and I have learned a lot about Japan in the last several days. One thing that I didn't know was that 73% of Japan is forested, mountainous, and is unsuitable for agricultural, industrial, or residential use! Therefore, the habitable zones, mainly located in the coastal areas have an extremely high population density. Then comes the Ring of Fire! Did you know that 10% of the world's active volcanoes are found in Japan? No? I didn't either! Japan falls in between the Pacific Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate and due to that 'ring of fire' as many as 1,500 earthquakes are recorded yearly!
If one country is prepared for this type of scenario it is Japan. Due to their extensive code enforcement and the fact they are trained at an early age to dive under a desk to protect themselves in a quake, their preparation undoubtedly saved many lives on Friday.
Our family has spent the entire weekend glued to the news, waiting and watching what is to happen next. It reminds me a lot of Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans. Your heart just goes out to these people and you want to do something to help, but what?
Do you want to learn more about Japan with your child? If so visit Kids Web Japan. It is a wealth of information about geography, history, language, culture, and much, much more. Enjoy!
March Mission Progress...
on Friday, March 11, 2011
Mama's Mission,
Pirates of the Current
I am so proud of myself! I accomplished 3 things today. I am working on these t-shirts for the float trip in June. One set is a surprise but since the person they are intended for does not read my blog I am safe to talk about them!
I have to tell someone about these shirts, it is just killing me to keep this a secret. A good friend of mine (Tracy) is a tug boat captain and spends 30 days at a time on a boat. For a long time he would call almost every day he was on the boat. It became this joke that I talked to him more than my own husband and he became hubby #2 and I became 'wifey.' Of course this is just a running joke between my husband, Tracy and I, but then Miranda came into our lives. Miranda is one of the sweetest girls I have 'met'. We haven't met in person, but talk a lot on the phone and well, we just click! She is Tracy's girlfriend and she magically became the 'mistress.' Then Miss Christina was added to our little group. She is a friend to the entire group and her title became 'girlfriend.' It probably all sounds strange but to us it is funny! So one day we came up with this t-shirt idea. It will have the Charlie's Angels silhouette with Tracy's Angels on the front and then on the back our respective names. I used my Cricut for the first time and it worked! I had a few problems but it really worked! So I think that works for 2 items on my Missions list.
I have to tell someone about these shirts, it is just killing me to keep this a secret. A good friend of mine (Tracy) is a tug boat captain and spends 30 days at a time on a boat. For a long time he would call almost every day he was on the boat. It became this joke that I talked to him more than my own husband and he became hubby #2 and I became 'wifey.' Of course this is just a running joke between my husband, Tracy and I, but then Miranda came into our lives. Miranda is one of the sweetest girls I have 'met'. We haven't met in person, but talk a lot on the phone and well, we just click! She is Tracy's girlfriend and she magically became the 'mistress.' Then Miss Christina was added to our little group. She is a friend to the entire group and her title became 'girlfriend.' It probably all sounds strange but to us it is funny! So one day we came up with this t-shirt idea. It will have the Charlie's Angels silhouette with Tracy's Angels on the front and then on the back our respective names. I used my Cricut for the first time and it worked! I had a few problems but it really worked! So I think that works for 2 items on my Missions list.
Then, I designed the t-shirts for the float trip itself. The float will take place on the Current River in June. The theme is a pirate theme and one night I had this epiphany to make t-shirts with a skull and crossbones only the crossbones will be oars. The first edition is with kayak oars so I have to redo the handles on them, but that shouldn't take much time. These tees we plan on having printed.
Workbox Wednesday
on Wednesday, March 2, 2011
The other
day a friend asked me how we fit all of our homeschool activities into one day
and still find time to eat and relax. My response was sometimes we don't!
Ok, so that's not true, but there are times it sure feels like it, especially
when I don't prepare the night before.
month my mission was to develop a homeschool schedule that works for us and
well, I did...kinda. I recently read a post by Edie over at Love
Satisfies and fell in love with her homeschool schedule. I have tweaked
it a bit, but I pretty much have used her schedule. She wanted the girls to
have more ownership of their work - something that would motivate them to work
on their own and finish on time. That is our problem. We are lacking
that sense of independence and accomplishment.
prints off a list of everything that needs to be done and gives a copy to each
of her girls. We use the workbox system so I feel that covers that part,
but I am willing to change if it works for Kira.
I love lists. That's
probably an understatement if you ask my husband. Being able to check things off as I go
throughout the day gives me a rush. Hum...Kira
likes lists too - something to think about. I keep trying to
reinforce that the harder she works, the more time she has to play in the
afternoon, but for some reason we keep hitting that hurdle which is really
starting to feel more like a brick wall.
So here
is how our typical morning works...
I am not a morning person and probably never will be, but I have found
getting up earlier and getting a morning routine in order my day just seems to
flow better. I have started to wake up and do my morning thing: tidy the
kitchen and living area, finalize Kira's schedule for the day (if I didn't get
it done the night before) and make sure her supplies, books, etc are ready for
our school day. The big thing for me is that this is time for me to wake
up. I am a complete bear of a morning and do not get along with anyone
for the first hour or so after I get up.
I am trying to lose some weight so I am also taking this time to go for
a brisk morning walk (depending on the weather.) This is also a perfect
time to blog, answer emails, or even attack that never-ending pile of
8:30AM Kira usually wakes up on
her own, gets dressed, has breakfast and does simple chores (make bed, tidy
room, and personal hygiene.)
9:00-10:00AM Spelling, Handwriting, Writing, Copywork [Independent]
Kira can
work on anything from her independent list. I tend to use this time to
finish up my morning activities but stay close as she sometimes needs
assistance. I also find she gets distracted easily.
been working on my kindness and patience with their questions and pleas for
help. I find that when I’m more patient, they have less questions.
If they sense that I’m frustrated or really distracted (which I
sometimes am!) they seem to need an endless amount of help. So I talk to
myself and try to use a kind, encouraging voice and even if it’s the thirteenth
time in 2 minutes that someone needs my help, I try to remember that this is
why I’m here—to help them and teach them and guide them. And I
think it’s working. They seem to need me less the more accessible
and pleasant I am. Go figure.
10-10:30AM Math [separate but together]
11:00AM-12:00PM Science/History/Grammar
Math at our house usually
involves weeping and gnashing of teeth. We’re working on this. I
think it’s getting better since we’ve starting doing some reviews with the
other workbooks. She knows her math
facts but gets easily frustrated. My
goal is to help them truly master the basic by spending more time together so she
don’t have to think and count and cry and scream. Wish me luck.
10:30-11AM Literature/Reading
I spend this time reading to Kira or sometimes she
reads to me. Typically it is a just for
fun chapter book or other times it is something that goes along with our
Depending on the day will depend on which of these
three we work on. I use a loop schedule
so we alternate days. Sometimes I am
lucky enough to incorporate all of these subjects into one! Yep, I am that good!
12:00-12:30/1:00PM LUNCH
We typically use this time to
watch a TV show typically a 30 minute just for fun show with the rest of the
time to use however she wants, or we find a documentary.
1:00-1:30PM QUIET TIME:
From this blog post, I was exposed
directly to Susan Wise Bauer and her totally awesome YouTube video entitled
"Question & Answer Series 2: Quiet Time Part 1." She talks about how her children have a two
hour "nap time". The kids are
too old for naps so they now have 'rules' of what they can or cannot do during
"nap time." The rules are, you
‘rest’ in your room, by yourself and may listen to books on tape or play
quietly with Legos, Polly Pockets, Barbies, crafts, etc. You may not come out unless you’re bleeding.
In other words, pretend I am not
here! Check out this video. It is worth it, I promise!
I am conflicted as to what to do
during this time. I have so much I could
get done during these two hours. Usually
I clean or craft or blog. I have to admit that it is the most wonderful amazing
brain child of Susan Wise Bauer.
Although there are days we have to finish up some of
this schoolwork during our Quiet Time, I make sure to follow my unwritten rule
- Never take longer than 30 minutes out of Quiet Time. She needs that as much as I do. We almost always finish by that
time of day. We follow this basic
schedule on Monday-Thursdays and then use Fridays for more literature, art,
music, library time and most important field trips.
Now here is my problem...
I have been thinking about our
workbox station and to be honest the first several months of school
went fantastic due to our organization. I was always on top of
our schedule, but something is currently missing. I don't know what it
is, but something is missing. You know, now that I think about it, I
think it is FUN! We have these workbooks, and Kira is doing great with
them, but it's not fun for either of us. When we do our crafts we have a
blast and I think this quarter I am going to try to do more in the way of activities
instead of the book type of learning. We are spending more time on our
lapbooks, so I think I am going to use those as our learning activities.
Kira is at that age where there is a question for everything and I really
think that I can use that to my advantage.
Twisted Tuesday Humor
on Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Comical Conversations
This morning, Kira and I were just talking at the kitchen table when she begins to tell me about a commercial about identity theft. Why she is telling me this I have no idea, but she thinks it is very important and whatever the commercial is selling, it is very, very important. This commercial results in this conversation:
Kira: Mom, I think you need to think about identity theft.
Me: (With a chuckle) Identity theft? Where did you hear about that?
Kira: It was on a commercial.
Me: I think you watch to many commercials.
Kira: Well, Dad makes them!
This is true. I had to give her this one.
Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It...
on Monday, February 28, 2011
Kris Radish,
Mama's Mission,
Pirates of the Current
Mission of the Month...well, I was have done absolutely nothing this month until this week. I have been a slacker, and I hate to have to put this on my blog but I have been.
- Wake up earlier. (Did NOT happen. I woke up but tended to stay in bed until 9:30-10:00.)
- Make sure that workboxes are prepared the night before. (19/19 days)
- Complete started lapbooks. (0/6 lapbooks)
- Develop a schedule. (workbox schedule AND cleaning schedule completed!)
- Look into a tutor. (Talked to Sylvan.)
- Look into what I need to finish my degree. (Thanks, Dianna!)
- Begin a workout program. (Thanks you, Miranda and Chass for your encouragement and support!)
- Start a morning routine and stick with it for one month! Here is my morning routine, at this moment (subject to tweaking later: a.) Wake up at 8:30 AM Monday thru Friday (would like to get up earlier but I am just not a morning person.) b.) Eat breakfast c.) Set 3 Most Important Things (MITs) for today d.) Exercise for 30 minutes e.) Shower (this is subject to revision)
- Design "The Pirates of the Current Float Trip" t-shirtsI have this awesome idea for a t-shirt for the adults on this float trip.
- Practice using my Cricut. In order to make the t-shirts for the float trip, I need to learn how to use this machine.
- Maintain my cleaning schedule for one month. My parents are coming to visit in less than a month and I want to make sure the house is in tip-top shape. It seems like whenever I have company this is what happens.
- Maintain exercise program for at least three days a for one month. I have a float trip to prepare for and well this body is not in shape. I want it to be and I have until June 1 to get it that way. Then again I would like to lose some weight and well this is a perfect opportunity to start getting that way.
- Finish my new Kris Radish book: Dancing Naked at the Edge of Dawn. I never would have thought that she would be an author I would read, but will she is and I love the books.
Monthly Mission Update
on Monday, February 21, 2011
Mama's Mission
So how am I doing on my February missions? Well, not so hot.
- Wake up earlier. This waking up early is for the birds and I for one am NOT a bird. My hubby has told me he wants to wake up earlier which means I need to wake up earlier to wake him up earlier.
- Make sure that workboxes are prepared the night before. I am doing a great job on this. I have also cut back on the amount of daily things Kira needs to get done. We are spending more time doing more craft activities to help us learn. I have learned that she learns more by doing than she does by workbooks or reading. She is so very much like me. As for the workbox station...well we really haven't been using it the way we were so that is something that is going to have to be revamped.
- Complete started lapbooks. Ah, lapbooks. Well, this mission I haven't even started! I have thought about it numerous times, but it just hasn't come to fruition.
- Develop a schedule. I think I have almost come to a conclusion on this one. The home school one is currently in the works and tomorrow I will begin my new cleaning schedule.
- Look into a tutor. I think the big thing here is we need a schedule and as we progress in our schedule things will be easier on all of us. But somehow we need to regain that balance in our lives.
- Look into what I need to finish my degree. I am going to call my advisor later this week (or next) and find out what is involved in the classes that I have left to take. Two specifically because I want to be prepared for fall. I have already talked to the Emergency Manager here in Fort Lauderdale and he said he can always get me an internship, it just depends on what they are wanting. I am kinda excited (but then again a little nervous.)
- Begin a workout program. So one of my best friends introduces to me his girlfriend, Miranda. Miranda and I just click. Don't know what it is. Maybe it is because we share the same birthday, or maybe it is just that we really like the guy that brought us together. I don't know and I don't care. She loves to go hiking, backpacking, camping, etc and those are things I love doing (and miss!) In fact, this summer we are having a camping/float trip called 'The Pirates of the Current' and this trip has really had me thinking. I am so out of shape that I am not sure what is going to save me. So Miss Miranda is going to be my motivator. I told her she can call me any name in the book. Call and check up on me with my husband. Whatever she needs, but I need an exercise buddy. I need to kick myself in high gear because I need to fit into a swimsuit by June 1. My ultimate goal would be to drop 3 pant sizes, but I am not sure that is even possible. So Monday, Miranda is going to ask me daily if I have exercised and I have to be truthful. I am going to start keeping a log as to my exercising (what I did for how long, etc, etc, etc.) Wii Fitness here I come. Instead of 4 months, I have only 3 months. Why is it I hear R. Lee Ermey in the background?
Well now that I just realized that today is Monday, I had better get exercising!
About Me
- Erica
- From homeschooling to handling live TV chaos, I’ve done it all—running camera crews, assisting producers, crafting a 200+ page digital magazine, and even juggling life as a reporter’s personal assistant. I’ve taught in private schools, and now I’m wrangling SEO strategies as an account manager. Volunteering has been my jam for years, and my newest project is a fiery one—breathing new life into the Fort Lauderdale Fire Museum. Life’s been a mix of creative detours and career curveballs, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Buckle up—it’s been a wild ride so far!
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- The Magic School Bus (2)
- Traditions (1)
- Triage (1)
- University of Central MO (1)
- Volunteer (1)
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- West Palm Beach (1)
- Workboxes (3)