♫ Sleep Sleep, you gotta go to sleep, right now.
Sleep sleep, you gotta go to sleep. ♫
Well, I last night I took that song to heart and slept and I slept good! I woke up before the alarm -- sometime around 6:30AM. Did the morning routine -- bathroom, brush teeth, comb hair, all but eating breakfast. I crawled back in bed, thinking I was going to read when in fact I just went back to sleep. So what was the problem? I turned off the alarm and I am not sure that Kevin set his. The next thing I know, Kevin is waking me up saying it is almost 11AM!
I have a routine of a morning. While eating breakfast, I check out Facebook. One of the posts on a site I check frequently, The FlyLady, she says today is Anti-Procrastination Day. I am the queen of procrastination!
So what have I been putting off -- dishes, laundry, cleaning the bathroom (I know yuck!), sweeping and I am sure there are more things but that is what I am going to start with. I honestly thought I had more laundry than what I do, but I don't. I am not complaining. Maybe I will even wash the curtains and open the windows. It is a little toasty today but I think some fresh air would be nice.
Well, enough procrastinating. Let's get things done today! I know I can do it!!