♫ You brush your teeth ch ch ch ch, ch ch ch ch...♫
(Brush Your Teeth by Raffi)
(Brush Your Teeth by Raffi)
On Tuesday, April 5, Kira had her first dentist appointment. We have had such a hard time finding a dentist that we like but we were growing concerned about some of Kira's baby teeth -- one of the top teeth still hasn't pushed through. Dr. Michele was fantastic with Kira! Of course there were a million questions that Dr Michele had to answer but she has a little boy who is eight so I guess she is used to it. Kira drilled her on all of the little gizmos and gadgets the Dr. Michele or her assistant would be using to inspect and clean her teeth. After the bazillion questions it was time for the exam. Kira cackled the entire time. Unfortunately I was in the other room so I wasn't able to see what she was doing only hear from the other room but it was still so much fun.
We have been fighting with Kira to brush in the morning and before bedtime and she was doing great -- then something happened. We don't know what. It just did and we had to start reminding her to do it. If we forgot to remind her, she wouldn't. So yesterday was a completely different story. She brushed in the morning, after lunch and at bedtime! I was amazed. AND she even flossed (or at least tried to.)
After lunch today and right before the end of school she said, 'I forgot to brush my teeth!' and off she went running to the bathroom.