Body by Pizza...

A friend of mine started a Facebook Group called 'To Our Health.'  We were all talking that we need to lose some weight but were lacking motivation.  Each day we post what we have eaten, the exercising we have done, and any questions or concerns we may have.  Someone usually has an answer.  We are not only doing this for ourselves but for our families.  A fellow Cairoite, Jill Eoff was on the Today Show a couple of weeks ago and I think Jill Eoff really got us going.  In 2008 she weighed in at 344 lbs!  I was shocked.  After starting Weight Watchers, Jill began to lose the weight.  In 4 years she lost 182 lbs.

I haven't been on the scales for some time but I used my Wii Fit board and weighed in at 163 lbs.  That is 15 lbs lighter than when I was at the doctor in November.  Not a tremendous amount of weight but it is a start.  I am not noticing it in my clothes so that is really what I am wanting to do.  I have a lot of clothes that are size 12 but since I am so close to that size I can't bring myself to get ride of them.  Now today I had 1/2 a packet of ramen noodles with some grilled chicken.  It was saltier than I would have liked but it was also healthier than what I normally have.  I know tonight's supper is not going to be the healthiest.  Wednesdays we always go to McDonald's after Kira's Girl Scout meeting.  Wednesday is the night for cheap cheesburgers.  We normally just get only the cheeseburgers and bring them home.  I found this blog that I am going to start reading as well.  It is called Body By Pizza.  Sounds interesting.  

Current weight: 163 lbs
Goal weight: 135 lbs