International Talk Like A Pirate Day. . . (was yesterday!)

Ahoy me hearties!  Shiver me timbers, ayeterday was International Talk Like a Pirate Day! (Yes, indeed there is such a thing!) Did you participate?  We did as we do every year.  If you didn't you should be sent to Davey Jone's Locker you should!  We even had our own treaaye hunt with map and all!

Here are two links that we used for our 'pirate speak.'  It really made us think a little. 

Our treasure map . . .


There were a few questions as to where to go, but as you can see she found t' motherload!  She even requested that we do more treasure hunts.

Today Gert did all of her schoolwork without any poking and prodding.  We even did a little extra so we don't have to do it tomorrow.  We are also checking out a new school schedule.  I am still refining it, but will post it when we have an idea of what we are doing! 

We also checked on our little plants.  The grass seems to be growing very well, but our flowers (forget-me-nots) haven't even sprouted.  Gert is so proud!  

Oh, and if you didn't already know this week is No TV Week.  Can you live without TV for an entire week.  (It doesn't say anything about computers or cell phones!)  So far we are doing good . . . We will keep you posted on our progress.