September Mission of the Month Update

Since I cannot post to the About Mama page (don't ask I don't know), my personal posts will be on the home page as well.  As I will be 'experimenting' throughout the rest of the week (and most likely the weekend) be forewarned that when you come back to visit, it will probably not look like it does now.  So on with the story.

Who is your hero (fiction or non-fictional)?  At this very moment mine would have to be Ms. Mary Poppins.  Mary Poppins, the woman who could do anything.  As a child, I remember laying on the floor with my brother watching Mary Poppins for the first time (on VHS).  Although I have no idea what my brother thought of the movie, I know I was in awe of how fun she made life.  Being able to jump into chalk drawings was cool, but "In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and - SNAP - the job's a game!"

At the snap of her fingers, clothes began to put themselves away and toys too!  In no time, the kid's room was neat and tidy, and wonderful!  Now growing up, I was blessed with a very organized mother, who made sure that there was a place for everything, and everything had its place.  As I grew up, I began to take after my mother in her organizing talents.  Don't get me wrong I am sure there were times I was no where near tidy.

A line from one of my favorite children's song says 'Now I am grown, I live on my own, I'm home on a rainy day' and I have noticed that my once organized and tidy talents seem to have disappeared.  This once very organized woman, now married with a daughter of her own, is now struggling with that part of her life and a messy one at that. I often find myself thinking about what I need to do and not doing it.  As I sit here listening to the rain and typing this, I think 'If I just get off my keaster, I might can accomplish one of those many goals.'  I find I ignore it, try to conquer it, get discouraged and give up on it, and due to this constant struggle, I lose my self-esteem and then feel ashamed of how my home would look to future visitors.  If only I could be like Mary Poppins, snap my fingers and things that need to be organized would be, beds would be made, dishes finished and put away, clothes washed and neatly put away.  You see I feel like the knight attempting to fight off the vicious dragon to save the whole town only to get burnt to a crisp in the process.

If you have read my earlier blog, you know that this month I began to participate in Mama's Mission of the Month.  I set the goals for myself, planned everything out, and something happened where I had to alter some of my plans.  Nothing big but I was so looking forward to putting that 'Mission Accomplished' button on my page.  The road isn't always straight and we are forced to adjust our course accordingly.  Below are the goals I did accomplish along with the ones I will need to carry over to next month.
  1. Cleaning out the closet.
  2. Buy a rod to hang clothes on. (Move to next month)
  3. Clean out the storage above the closet.
  4. Buy curtain tiebacks and hang them. (optional)
  5. Hang lights and clock. (Requires husband's assistance)
  6. Find pictures, print pictures, and hang pictures on wall for the Family Photo Wall. (Work in progress - I sent emails to all family and friends, with little or no response.  I am now going to look into my archive of pictures for pictures for the wall.)
  7. Buy and paint plywood for the game closet doors. (Move to next month)
  8. Take toy box to storage.
  9. Go through clothes -- donate or take to storage.

Mission of the MonthMy Mama's Mission of the Month for October . . .
Tackle Bathroom and the Kitchen!
  1. Bathroom: Clean the window.
  2. Bathroom: Fix medicine cabinet. 
  3. Bathroom: Buy new toilet seat. 
  4. Bathroom: Get quotes on tiles for bathroom. 
  5. Bathroom: Wipe down walls.
  6. Bathroom: Do a thorough dusting.
  7. Kitchen: Wash the curtains. 
  8. Kitchen: Wash the screens and windows. 
  9. Kitchen: Wipe down the walls. 
  10. Kitchen: Do a thorough dusting. 
  11. Kitchen: Clean the stove. 
  12. Make a list for landlord of things that need to be repaired.  
Complete September Missions:
  1. Buy a rod to hang clothes on.
  2. Buy curtain tiebacks and hang them. (optional)
  3. Hang lights and clock. (Requires husband's assistance)
  4. Find pictures, print pictures, and hang pictures on wall for the Family Photo Wall. (Work in progress - I sent emails to all family and friends, with little or no response.  I am now going to look into my archive of pictures for pictures for the wall.)
  5. Buy and paint plywood for the game closet doors.
And just for fun: Price a redesign of the kitchen.  To help me complete my goals, at the end of each week I will post my accomplishments.