Leaping Lizards

Finally!  We made it outside!  We took pictures of a number of buildings that are in our community - the market, the County Historic Preservation  building, one of two churches, one of two parks, the nature preserve where they filmed Hoot, and the Fort Lauderdale Fire Museum.  If you watch the new TV show The Glades on A&E, one of the episodes was filmed in a friend's home so we couldn't pass it up to take a picture of her there either!  We wanted to make it to the other park and the swing bridge, but it started to sprinkle and we thought it would be best to head back home.  

We also finished up what I think is called a diorama.  It was about two different habitats and the landforms and people who reside in those habitats.  I call it killing two birds with one stone -- science and social studies.  In social studies we traveled to Florida.  Yep.  That's what I said.  In the book I am using as a guide it talked about us 'traveling to Florida for the summer' and what would we bring.  Gert's response was 'We already live in Florida!'  We also talked about what would we bring to Colorado in the winter.  Here are the things she mention and her comments that followed.  'Well we have to bring skis, but we have to take lessons.  And of course snow boots.  Does it snow every winter or just sometimes like in MO?  We need to make sure to pack long sleeves and long pants 'cause if snows it will be really coooold!  Will there be hot chocolate?'  At that point I could no longer contain my laughter.  Then I got in trouble for laughing!  We continued right on to our globe and the 7 continents and discussing what we would wear in each location.  We had some interesting conversations which will result in our studying of the continents this year.      

Proofreading sentences is so easy for her and takes absolutely no time at all, as long as she doesn't complain about writing.  Now today we are discussing irregular plural nouns.  Now if you have forgot here are a few examples: man to men, woman to women, child to children and to make things even more complicated, I threw in those little words that end in 'f' where we have to change the 'f' to 'v' and add 'es.'  Simple to us adults, but to a 7 year old, it can get frustrating but we managed.  

We all know about amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and insects right?  Well today, we got to experience reptiles right in our own home.  Yep that's what I said.  We had a baby lizard right in our sink.  I started to do dishes and this cute little thing decided to crawl run up my arm!  First instinct was to smash it, but being the mother I am I hollered, 'GET YOUR BUG CATCHER!'  I caught him in a cup and getting him to the bug catcher was a different story.  Lizards do not cooperate.  Hum, a lot like children (and some adults I know.)  This cute little thing decided to jump all over my sink into the soap, a cup that had Ramen noodles in it (in which we did not eat), and then finally resting inside the lid of the bug catcher.  Did I mention I do not like lizards of any shape or size?  After observing him for a short time, Gert decided it was time for it to return to it's mother.  Aw, isn't she sweet?

After our adventure with Mr. Lizard, we sat down to watch the movie 'Tall Tales & Legends: Johnny Appleseed' to go with our Tall Tales theme.  I wasn't really sure what to think of it since it was starring Martin Short, but it was actually very good.  I think we will also watch the others in the series.  

As that concludes our school day, we have to get ready for Gert's first Girl Scout meeting!  Here is hoping she doesn't talk her leader's ear off or the other girls in her troop!